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On this page, you can view reference videos (YouTube) and download various materials (PDF).
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◆YouTube動画 「日本庭園の作り方」シリーズ
YouTube Video “How to Make a Japanese Garden” Series

This is a link to a YouTube video of “Tokawa Japanese Garden Laboratory Channel” posted by our laboratory. The technical method is explained in detail by animation. Translated subtitles available in Japanese, English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and other languages.


How to make a Japanese garden # 028 “Making a Japanese Garden”: Moving a Japanese garden to a new location — from a realistic garden site — Finishing Edition


How to make a Japanese garden # 027 “Making a Japanese Garden”: Moving a Japanese garden to a new location — from a realistic garden site — Takegaki Edition


How to make a Japanese garden # 026 “Making a Japanese Garden”: Moving a Japanese garden to a new location — from a realistic garden site — Ishigumi Edition


How to make a Japanese garden # 025
Relocating a Japanese Garden: Relocating and rebuilding a garden of Hourai-jinsen thought


How to make a Japanese garden # 023
[Suikinkutsu] A video introducing a suikinkutsu that uses two bottles to play three tones

【日本庭園の源流】石組みにおける カマセ石の使い方

How to make a Japanese garden # 022
[Origins of Japanese gardens] How to use the Kamase stone in stone arrangement


Howto make a Japanese garden # 021
[How to make a Yatsukake Pillars] Basic work in the landscaping industry. This time I will introduce the process. I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.


How to make a Japanese garden # 020
[How to make a cheekstick support] A support to prevent old trees from falling down is called a cheekstick support in the gardening industry. This time, I will introduce the manufacturing process. I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.

【大津垣の作り方 後編】後編の今回は大津垣の仕上げです。大津垣のキモである組子の編み上げと創作部分の動画です。

How to make a Japanese garden # 019
[How to make Otsu-gaki (Otsu fence) Part 2] This time it is the finishing of Otsu-gaki. This is a video of the weaving and creation of the kumiko, the key of Otsugaki.

【大津垣の作り方 前編】創作的な要素を盛り込んだ大津垣 製作過程を追いながら紹介します。

How to make a Japanese garden # 018
[How to make Otsu-gaki, Part 1] Introduces the process of making Otsu-gaki with creative elements.


[How to make Chinowa] I will introduce how to make Chinowa with beautiful green bamboo.

【特別編 ウメノキの剪定】剪定の基本 最終回 ウメノキの剪定はコレ!あなたのウメも美しく。

[Special edition of pruning of the Japanese apricot] The basics of pruning. This is the final pruning of the Japanese apricot! Your plum is also beautiful. How to make a Japanese garden # 016


[Scales from your eyes! pruning technique] Pruning Chifon (Part II) White oak, Shiinoki, and Arakashi. How to make a Japanese garden # 015


[Scales from your eyes! pruning technique] The pruning kihon (the middle part): cypress, white birch, Japanese cypress, inoki, tree bark, and Japanese apricot. How to make a Japanese garden # 014

【剪定のキホンを知る!】枝垂れアカマツ(天目松)の手入れ  日本庭園の作り方#013

[How to make a Japanese garden # 013]
Learn the basics of pruning! Take care of the prickly red pine

庭石の扱い方 水平出し・かませ石編

[How to make a Japanese garden # 012]
How to handle garden stones: horizontal leveling and kamase-ishi

庭石の扱い方(吊り方) クレーン編

[How to make a Japanese garden # 011]
How to handle garden stones (how to hang) crane edition

●日本庭園の作り方 夏休み番外編
【夏休み工作 】みんなでつくるミニ竹垣

[How to make a Japanese garden extra edition]
[Summer vacation planning] Mini Takegaki made with everyone



[How to make a Japanese garden # 010]
Making a movable four-legged fence


[How to make a Japanese garden # 009]
How to make a kakehi

小さな日本庭園の作り方 後編

[How to make a Japanese garden # 008]

How to make a small Japanese garden Part 3
Bamboo fence and moss.


[How to make a Japanese garden # 007]

How to make a small Japanese garden Part 2
Stepping stones


[How to make a Japanese garden # 006]

How to make a small Japanese garden Part 1

小さな日本庭園の作り方プロモーショナルエディション。 月あかりで楽しむ庭

[How to make a Japanese garden # 005]

How to make a small Japanese garden promotional edition.
A garden where one can enjoy moonlight


[How to make a Japanese garden # 004]
How to tie a bamboo fence rope


[How to make a Japanese garden # 003]
How to make Kinkakuji-gaki (Detailed Explanation)

金閣寺垣の作り方 ダイジェスト編

[How to make a Japanese garden # 002]

How to Make Kinkakuji-gaki (Digest Edition)


[How to make a Japanese garden # 001
How to make a well lid

◆News Letter 「和創技継」Wa-Sou-Gi-Kei


This is a newsletter regularly published by our laboratory. It introduces works related to Japanese gardens and provides information on technical methods. (quarterly publication)

●2020秋号 五坪からつくる日本庭園
2020 autumn issue Japanese garden made of five tsubo


A small garden where you can enjoy the taste of a Japanese garden, Wakintei Garden (Japanese harp garden) is a garden with a geometric bamboo fence design added to the world view of Horai Shinsen in a 5 tsubo area. Introducing works that pursue a Japanese garden in a limited space.

273 ダウンロード

●2020夏号(創刊) 蓬莱神仙思想にもとづく山水画的枯山水庭園
2020 summer issue (first issue): Sansui-ga style Karesansui Garden based on the idea of Hourai Shinsen


At the time of the first issue, the magazine introduced its 369 gardens (Mirokutei). Based on the concept of Horai Shinsen, the main garden incorporates various elements of Japanese gardens and our laboratory’s techniques based on traditional methods.

264 ダウンロード

◆販促フライヤー Sales promotion flyer

It’s a flyer for the public. If you are interested, please.
For inquiries about logging and dredging work, please send an e-mail from the “Access and inquiries” page.

●高木伐採のご案内 Guide to tree cutting

The main reason why it took time to restore the power supply due to typhoons and heavy rain disasters in the past was the delay of fallen trees treatment. For Takagi, it is more important to take preventive management imagining the time of disaster than usual. There are many cases where old fallen trees are left and interfere with buildings and cause secondary disasters including neighboring houses.

254 ダウンロード

●浚渫工事のご案内 Guide to Dredging Work


In general, it means civil engineering work to remove soil and sand by dredging the bottom of a port, river, or canal (SLIP). The accumulated sediment makes the bottom of the pond shallow, and the water level in the pond rises in case of heavy rain or typhoon, and there is a risk of flooding. The pond for viewing Japanese gardens is different from general dredging works. Special knowledge and experience of garden management are required.

259 ダウンロード



十川 洋明(トカワ ヨウメイ)

17歳で庭の世界へ飛び込み、その素晴らしさに魅了されました。造園会社数社で修行を積み、1996年に「作庭処 彌右エ門」(現 十川日本庭園研究室)として独立。以来、個人邸の作庭工事を手がけながら、古庭園に興味を持ち京都を初め全国の庭園を見てまわり研鑽を積んでいます。千葉県山武市在住。


1998年 重森三玲記念館庭園施工
1999年 靖國神社神池整備工事参加
2001年 靖國神社苑内常駐管理責任者
2004年 中国蘇州市に日本庭園施工






