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  3. 重森三玲記念館庭園施工(岡山県賀陽町)



This is the Tokawa Japanese Garden Laboratory. This time, as the title suggests, when I was in my twenties, I was able to take part in the construction of the garden adjacent to the memorial hall of Mr. Mirei Shigemori, whom I had a close relationship with and respect for. Let me introduce the record of that operation. As it was about 20 years ago, the condition of the picture is not good, but I would appreciate it if you could take a look.

回想 Recollection




This is the garden construction that I tried when I was young. The construction method is not very useful, but please take a look. This is the picture when I was 27 years old. The construction work was done with an elderly person who had known his cousin for a long time.

I myself was still young at the time, so I feel nostalgic about working in an empty house where I could not afford to rent a house and cook for myself because everything was carried out for service. Incidentally, I still vividly remember that it was cold outside because there was no toilet.

We also received support from our neighbors and friends in many ways. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again. A few years ago, I donated a picture book of Japanese garden history and several other books to the memorial hall to express my gratitude.

It was a very valuable experience for me, but I would like everyone to try everything.

施工前・造成工 Preparations before construction,  land reclamation work

We do a temporary stone arrangement in a field near Chiba prefecture.

施工前の敷地です。It is the site before construction.

ラフターを設置します。We have prepared a crane truck.

千葉から大型トラックで搬入。Delivery by large truck from Chiba.

The 6t main stone is lifted and a hole is dug.

石組 Stone arrangement.

主石下部の画像です。This is the image of the lower part of the main stone.

添石の状況です。It is the condition of the attached stone.

This is the image of the lower part of the attached stone.

良く突き固めます。It will harden the soil well.

Below the stone masonry, there are Kamase stone, crushed stone and empty kneading.

The ground will be leveled after the stone is installed.

順次、石を組んで行きます。I will go with the stones in order.

石組完了。 The stone arrangement is complete.

仕上げ Finishing

周りに縁石を設置します。A curb is set around it.

型枠を作り、コンクリートを流します。Form the form and pour the concrete.

Paint mortar with bengara on the surface.

竹垣を作ります。We made a bamboo fence.

竹垣が完成しました。The bamboo fence is completed.

Uchimizu(sprinkling) is done. Later, Shirakawa sand entered.


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十川日本庭園研究室 十川洋明

十川 洋明(トカワ ヨウメイ)

17歳で庭の世界へ飛び込み、その素晴らしさに魅了されました。造園会社数社で修行を積み、1996年に「作庭処 彌右エ門」(現 十川日本庭園研究室)として独立。以来、個人邸の作庭工事を手がけながら、古庭園に興味を持ち京都を初め全国の庭園を見てまわり研鑽を積んでいます。千葉県山武市在住。


1998年 重森三玲記念館庭園施工
1999年 靖國神社神池整備工事参加
2001年 靖國神社苑内常駐管理責任者
2004年 中国蘇州市に日本庭園施工






